Data & Computational Science (DCS) core





The data and computational science (DCS) core harnesses technological capabilities at the National Cancer Center of Singapore (NCCS) to maximise the efficiency of data processes and accelerate research outcomes. 


With access to national level medical data spanning clinical, imaging and omics datasets, our efforts are concentrated on harvesting the innate value of these rich datasets to improve cancer patient care and treatment delivery through the production of world-class research. 

 The impacts of Cancer on Health Economics 

A comprehensive examination of the multifaceted impact of cancer on the nation's health and healthcare system through the evaluation of cancer outcomes, healthcare utilisation patterns and their associated economic consequences.

Prescription patterns of cancer drugs

An analysis of the prescription patterns of current cancer drugs to illuminate usage statistics and the wider significance of cancer treatments.


DCS mobilises a multidisciplinary team of data specialists who work closely with field-leading clinicians to orchestrate our portfolio of projects.

Ryan Tan

Consultant, Medical Oncology

Assoc Prof Tan Bee Huat Iain

Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology

Assoc Prof Chua Lee Kiang Melvin

Senior Consultant, Director

Dr. Qingyuan Zhang

Consultant, Supportive and Palliative Care

Wan Kee Chock

Assistant Project Manager, Data Scientist

Mr. Aaron Chuah

Senior Data Scientist